
SQL Alchemy

1. Basic

가. Set Up

1) SQLite

connect_args 매개변수는 SQLite에만 사용됨
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL = "sqlite:///./sql_app.db" engine = create_engine( SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL, connect_args={"check_same_thread": False} ) SessionLocal = sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine) Base = declarative_base()

2) PostreSQL

SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL = "postgresql://user:password@postgresserver/db" engine = create_engine(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL) SessionLocal = sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine) Base = declarative_base()

나. 동작 흐름

1) set database

ORM 설정

2) define database models

database와 맵핑되는 model 정의

3) define pydantic models

database와는 별개로 어플리케이션에서 활용하기 위한 model 정의

4) create repository functions

HTTP methods와는 별개로 도메인과 DB 간의 상호작용에 대한 함수를 정의하여 도메인와 DB 사이의 연결성을 약하게 한다
→ 연결성이 약해지면 도메인에 대한 단위테스트 작성이 보다 용이해짐
db model을 기준으로 DB에서 데이터 조회
# models == db models def get_user(db: Session, user_id: int): return db.query(models.User).filter( == user_id).first()
pydantic model을 기준으로 웹 어플리케이션에서 데이터를 가공하여 DB에 저장함
→ commit(): DB 갱신
→ refresh(): DB 갱신에 따른 model instance(db_user) 갱신
ex) DB에서 생성되는 auto increasing id 등이 DB 갱신에 따라 db_user에 반영됨
# schemas = pydantic models def create_user(db: Session, user: schemas.UserCreate): fake_hashed_password = user.password + "notreallyhashed" db_user = models.User(, hashed_password=fake_hashed_password) db.add(db_user) db.commit() db.refresh(db_user) return db_user

5) use in application

retrieve certain domain
@app.get("/users/{user_id}", response_model=schemas.User) def read_user(user_id: int, db: Session = Depends(get_db)): db_user = crud.get_user(db, user_id=user_id) if db_user is None: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="User not found") return db_user
list domains
@app.get("/users/", response_model=List[schemas.User]) def read_users(skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100, db: Session = Depends(get_db)): users = crud.get_users(db, skip=skip, limit=limit) return users
create domain"/users/", response_model=schemas.User) def create_user(user: schemas.UserCreate, db: Session = Depends(get_db)): db_user = crud.get_user_by_email(db, if db_user: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Email already registered") return crud.create_user(db=db, user=user)

2. Practice

가. 기본 조작

1) 목표

스크립트 실행에 따라 source data 가공하여 아래와 같은 출력을 얻어보자
### All movies: The Bourne Identity was released on 2002-10-11 Furious 7 was released on 2015-04-02 No Pain No Gain was released on 2013-08-23 ### Recent movies: Furious 7 was released after 2015 ### Dwayne Johnson movies: The Rock starred in No Pain No Gain The Rock starred in Furious 7 ### Actors that live in Glendale: Dwayne Johnson has a house in Glendale Mark Wahlberg has a house in Glendale
source data
# movies bourne_identity, "The Bourne Identity", date(2002, 10, 11) furious_7, "Furious 7", date(2015, 4, 2) pain_and_gain, "Pain & Gain", date(2013, 8, 23) # actors matt_damon, "Matt Damon", date(1970, 10, 8) dwayne_johnson, "Dwayne Johnson", date(1972, 5, 2) mark_wahlberg, "Mark Wahlberg", date(1971, 6, 5) # contact details of actors matt_contact, "415 555 2671", "Burbank, CA", matt_damon dwayne_contact, "423 555 5623", "Glendale, CA", dwayne_johnson dwayne_contact_2, "421 444 2323", "West Hollywood, CA", dwayne_johnson mark_contact, "421 333 9428", "Glendale, CA", mark_wahlberg # stuntmen matt_stuntman, "John Doe", True, matt_damon dwayne_stuntman, "John Roe", True, dwayne_johnson mark_stuntman, "Richard Roe", True, mark_wahlberg

2) Define DB Models

3) Define Pydantic Models

4) Create Repository Functions

5) Use in App


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